Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday, December 5th

Good afternoon. I was talking with a friend last night and he told me that he hasn't heard how Cheryl is doing because I didn't update my blog since the first of November!!! OK, Steve. Here it is.

As per Dr Estrada's instructions (, Cheryl took it VERY easy for the first 3 - 5 weeks. Our volunteers here at LTWC were extremely cooperative and took care of most of the feeding and cleaning of the bears and other animals we have in house now. Fortunately for the animals, "I" only had to clean and feed a couple of times, but they survived anyway.

Cheryl has been increasing her time on her feet, almost daily. In the first week, she was at 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the afternoon. Then 10 minutes for each. Well, by Thanksgiving, one month after returning from Monterrey, she was up to a couple of hours. There were a couple of days where she admits she may have done a little too much, but she was very good about getting herself ( I had other words in mind, but refrained) back to bed to rest for the 'next' excursion.

Her brother, Dr Bob Bender, who is the one who recommended Dr Estrada to us, saw Cheryl walking about a week ago. He asked her "Why are you limping???" She said, "I don't know." It must be because she limped for 18 + years and now, has no reason to. So, he told her that she will need to conscientiously be aware of that fact and THINK about when she is walking. Wow. Think about that. She actually has to 'think' about when she walks. I know none of us do. It's almost like learning to talk again. (OK. I won't go there!)

She did have some pain about 4 days ago. She twisted the wrong way and it was a 'sharp' pain, not a 'chronic' pain like she experienced the past 18 + years. I asked her what her pain level was. And, she said, from a scale from 1 - 10, with one the 'least' pain, where is your pain??? She said "One." "But, "she continued, "before I left for Mexico, my pain level was at FIFTEEN!!! ALL the time!!" She said there is NO comparison.

The doctor told her that it would take about six months for her to really feel the final affects of the stem cells which were entered into her body. She feels most of that now, especially with the loss of pain. Another thing is that for 18+ years, she could not lay her leg 'flat' on the bed, on the floor, or just straighten it. She can now, and NOW - - - she doesn't even think about it - - - in less than 6 weeks after the therapy!!

She is literally a new woman and soon will be starting to enjoy a new life. We want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. If anyone would like to speak with Cheryl personally about her old and current situation, please feel free. 530-577-2273.