Friday, October 10, 2008

Today is Friday and I am currently requesting legislation to eliminate Fridays, especially what we have been through the last TWO Fridays.

Today, we 'thought' we had the web cam's going well for Smokey until we got a call from a company telling us that only three or four people could log on at once. That is not what we wanted and we asked them if they could help us do what we 'want' to do. they said, "Yes" and - hopefully - it will be UP on the LTWC web site tomorrow.

Tomorrow, we will be releasing our raccoons beginning the 'catch' phase at 10am and should be leaving the center here by 10:30pm. They are ALL (all 19 of them) in the bobcat cage and - Cheryl tells me - that we 'have' had them in there before, but I will be darned if I can remember. But, I can hardly remember yesterday, so I will trust her memory. Then, Sunday is our annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. We expect about 70 people to attend. Hope the weather 'warms' up a bit.

More later. Tom


The Gillaspey's said...

GREAT idea you two!!! I mean, not that any of us really care but it's a great idea. Then again, is this just a Tom vanity blog or is this really for your lovely bride?
Maybe this isn't a good idea. Where's Cheryl's blog? We really want to hear fro HER, you, you're just the stable boy!!

But seriously, keep pressing on you two, there's a reason why you have so many friends!! You two are wonderful people.

Unknown said...

Love you Tommie! I bookmarked your site. Love to Cheryl and talk to you later. Ronnie